Function resolveAny

  • Resolve the name name in the scope containing ctx, assuming compiler version version. If inclusive is true, then if ctx itself is a scope, lookup inside of it as well. (e.g. if ctx is the ContractDefinition corresponding to contract { uint x; }, calling resolveAny("x", node, "0.5.0", true) would return the state var X, and resolveAny("x", node, "0.5.0", false) would return undefined.).

    Note that name can be an identifier path (e.g A.B.C).

    We return a set, since in the case where name resolves to a callable (function/public state var) or event, there could be multiple functions/events with the same name but different arguments. In all other cases the returned set should have either 0 or 1 elements.


    • name: string
    • ctx: ASTNode
    • inference: InferType
    • inclusive: boolean = false
    • ignoreVisiblity: boolean = false

    Returns Set<AnyResolvable>

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