

context: ASTContext

A tree context for the processed nodes

postprocessor: ASTPostprocessor

A tree postprocessor to apply for the processed nodes


  • Takes an array of raw Solc node objects and produces array of corresponding universal AST node instances.

    If input is not an array, then the empty array is returned.


    Returns ASTNode[]

  • Takes a Solc-compiler JSON output data and reads it to produce universal AST node tree.


    • data: any

      Compiler output data to process.

    • kind: ASTKind = ASTKind.Any

      Kind of an AST tree (legacy, modern or any).

    • Optional sources: FileMap

      Map with the source file names as keys and corresponding source content strings as values.

    Returns SourceUnit[]

    An array of SourceUnits for each of the source entries in the input.

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