Circuit Breakers


For comprehensive insights into secure development practices, consider visiting the Development Recommendations section of the Smart Contract Security Field Guide. This resource provides in-depth articles to guide you in developing robust and secure smart contracts.

Circuit breakers stop execution if certain conditions are met, and can be useful when new errors are discovered. For example, most actions may be suspended in a contract if a bug is discovered, and the only action now active is a withdrawal. You can either give certain trusted parties the ability to trigger the circuit breaker or else have programmatic rules that automatically trigger the certain breaker when certain conditions are met.


bool private stopped = false;
address private owner;

modifier isAdmin() {
    require(msg.sender == owner);

function toggleContractActive() isAdmin public {
    // You can add an additional modifier that restricts stopping a contract to be based on another action, such as a vote of users
    stopped = !stopped;

modifier stopInEmergency { if (!stopped) _; }
modifier onlyInEmergency { if (stopped) _; }

function deposit() stopInEmergency public {
    // some code

function withdraw() onlyInEmergency public {
    // some code