Public on-chain Data


For comprehensive insights into secure development practices, consider visiting the Development Recommendations section of the Smart Contract Security Field Guide. This resource provides in-depth articles to guide you in developing robust and secure smart contracts.

Many applications require submitted data to be private up until some point in time in order to work. Games (eg. on-chain rock-paper-scissors) and auction mechanisms (eg. sealed-bid Vickrey auctions) are two major categories of examples. If you are building an application where privacy is an issue, make sure you avoid requiring users to publish information too early. The best strategy is to use commitment schemes with separate phases: first commit using the hash of the values and in a later phase revealing the values.

However, care must be taken to ensure that the hashed value stored isn't recognisable (and thus, de-mappable), as this would defeat the second purpose of hashing - preventing the reveal of such values. Here's an example:

Say a smart contract allows 2 players to play rock-paper-scissors, and uses this commit-reveal scheme - both players have to send a hash of their move before either of them sends the last (game ending) transaction. Here's what the keccak256 hash of rock is: 10977e4d68108d418408bc9310b60fc6d0a750c63ccef42cfb0ead23ab73d102. If you were playing, and you saw your opponent commiting this, wouldn't this tell you exactly what move your opponent has committed to? A safer implementation would be to hash not just the name of the move, but also, say, a user chosen salt. That would make the resulting salt non-recognisable.


  • In rock paper scissors, require both players to submit a hash of their intended move first, then require both players to submit their move; if the submitted move does not match the hash throw it out.
  • In an auction, require players to submit a hash of their bid value in an initial phase (along with a deposit greater than their bid value), and then submit their auction bid value in the second phase.
  • When developing an application that depends on a random number generator, the order should always be (1) players submit moves, (2) random number generated, (3) players paid out. The method by which random numbers are generated is itself an area of active research; current best-in-class solutions include Bitcoin block headers (verified through, hash-commit-reveal schemes (ie. one party generates a number, publishes its hash to "commit" to the value, and then reveals the value later) and RANDAO. As Ethereum is a deterministic protocol, no variable within the protocol could be used as an unpredictable random number. Also, be aware that miners are in some extent in control of the block.blockhash() value.